Our Pick of Pics from 2016

A picture is worth a thousand words and I don't want you to have to snore through another testament of 2016. New Year's Eve seems an appropriate time to reflect on the past year, where we sailed, what we did and what we captured in photographs. Below find our favorite pics from 2016. Note these may not be the best photographic compositions nor exciting subjects nor technical bests, but we think they most accurately tell the story of our year … less all my usual rhetoric.

We're celebrating New Year's Eve quietly … just the two of us ... aboard Nine of Cups, tied up along the wharf at Atlantic Yacht Basin in Chesapeake, Virginia, USA. The champers is cold (no kidding). We've got snacks and comfort foods galore. We're warm and snuggly with our new heater and we plan to make every effort to stay awake to toast in the new year. (We'll see how that works out .) May you and yours have a healthy and prosperous 2017. Know you're thought of often and fondly.