Celebrating the Holidays 2020 Style

Celebrating the Holidays 2020 Style

We wanted to take a break from our No Destination Road Trip and think about how the coronavirus pandemic will be affecting the way we celebrate the upcoming holidays. Thanksgiving usually ushers in a frenzy of holiday buying, travel, celebrating and get-togethers. This year portends to be somewhat different for many of us in many ways. Still, we think we have lots to be thankful for.

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Thanksgiving - A Family Together

pilgrim statue  

The Pilgrims had the right idea in setting aside a day specifically for giving thanks and feasting. There's a pilgrim statue right here in Walpole. I went to visit him and thank him for being so astute and thinking ahead. Oh, I realize it wasn't really him though he's wearing one of those funky Pilgrim hats. His name is Lieutenant Lewis and he fought in Queen Anne's War in the early 18th century … too late to be an actual Pilgrim. But maybe it was his parents or grandparents that played a role in setting aside the day. In fact, probably much of our history about the first Thanksgiving is myth, but I like to think the first colonists might have sat down with their Native American neighbors and just might have given thanks and feasted together. Rather naïve of me … and probably a fairy tale, but still a nice thought.

This Thanksgiving we are with my sister, Lin, and her family. David's brother, Paul, has flown in from Oklahoma to join us. Nick is home from college. Old family friends are joining us, too. Bea is doing well and she's all excited about today's feast … and the pies … and the card playing afterwards. It's a family tradition shared throughout the USA. This is not our whole family, of course. David's older sister , our youngest son and the grandkids are in Colorado. Our oldest son and his wife are in Washington, D.C. David's Mom and younger sister are in Las Vegas. The family is dispersed across the country. But there will be phone calls and Happy Thanksgiving texts throughout the day.

If there's one thing this year has taught us, it's that we must make the most of our time together with family and friends. You never know when there won't be a next time. So, we give thanks for the time we have had this year and toast those who are not with us. We give thanks for having this opportunity to be close and share a sumptuous feast. And we give thanks for all those pies!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Not from the US? Have some pie anyway.