Tall Tales of Flying Fish

Tall Tales of Flying Fish

When we sailed across the South Atlantic on our sailboat, we’d toss at least a dozen dead flying fish back into the sea each morning. One survived, and this is the story of helping it heal and returning it to the sea…

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Tales of a Flying Fish

We'd like to interrupt the French Guiana blogs to provide you with a little insight into fascinating little critters that we saw quite frequently during our recent South Atlantic passage. We're always intrigued by flying fish. On long, oceanic passages, we regularly find them in our scuppers. I've even found one in my lap on an occasion or two. flying fish in the scupper

They're incredible little creatures with gossamer wings for fins, adapted brilliantly by Mother Nature to bolt out of the ocean and glide for long distances to confuse and avoid their predators. Unfortunately, it is the flying and gliding during the night as Nine of Cups sails by, that results in their being caught high and dry in the scuppers. We've had as many as 20+ in one night or, on this last South Atlantic crossing, a total of 27 for the passage. Yes, we've tried eating them. Many people do, but it must be an acquired taste. In fact, in Barbados, where the flying fish is a national symbol, they're considered quite a delicacy. Just not our cup of tea, I guess.

flying fish

Considering the length of our passage, we had plenty of time on our hands and thought you might enjoy meeting a flying fish, up close and personal. Take a look.

It turns out that lots of people have crossed the Atlantic Ocean. 

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The Monkey's Fist