
newspaper boston marathon  

Patriot's Day in Massachusetts … a state holiday to celebrate the Battle of Lexington & Concord and the beginning of the Revolutionary War against England … the “shot heard round the world”. It's also the running of the Boston Marathon, a tradition since 1897.

We were at the doctor's office with my mom yesterday just outside of Boston when two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. By the time we returned home, all the TV networks had sketchy information trying to piece together what had happened, who had done it and why. They've figured out the “what”, but not the who or the why.


newspaper boston marathon


We just don't get it. Three dead and 130 injured, many critically, the youngest a two-year-old child. They haven't determined if this was an act of terror committed by an American or a foreign national. No matter … what possible political or religious statement does this make? No matter what their ideologies, certainly killing innocents and people interested in watching a marathon can't play into it.

Our hearts go out to the people who have lost someone or been injured. It could just as easily been one of our family members or neighbors involved. It's all so random. Where does the lunacy end?


Reminiscing - Rogue's Roost, Novia Scotia

rogues noc_Snapseed  

I asked David the other day to name one of his fondest memories of our travels and without hesitation he said “Rogue's Roost”. Rogue's Roost is not a destination in itself. It's just a tiny little anchorage in Nova Scotia that's on the way to Halifax, but it obviously made an impression on both of us.

We were in Charleston, SC and met a couple of Canadian sailors with whom we shared a few beers (how unusual). Our plans were to head to Maine for the summer hurricane months and this fellow suggested heading a bit further east to Nova Scotia. He mentioned, in particular, his favorite all-time anchorage, Rogue's Roost. We filed the notes away, just in case. This, by the way, is how cruisers end up in places they never imagined.

Sure enough, we found ourselves in Maine and decided to sail to Nova Scotia as suggested. We dug out the notes, bought a cruising guide and charts and tried to find this highly recommended anchorage. Where the heck was Rogue's Roost? Scouring the charts, we finally found it.


David gathering mussels


What was so special about the place? We had it all to ourselves. It was pristine … so quiet and peaceful and naturally beautiful. We never even put the engine on the dinghy. It would have been a sacrilege to make noise here.

We rowed to the rocky shore, chatted softly and just took it all in. Thick braids of seaweed on the rocky shore covered mussels by the thousands. We collected mussels ever so quietly … enough for dinner. We breathed in the brisk morning salt air. Our feet froze in the cold water and yet we were reluctant to return to the boat. It was that special.

Many times the most impressive moments in life aren't those that are planned or staged, but rather those that you just let happen.


Days and Ways to Celebrate
A daily list of mostly obscure holidays and fun ways to celebrate them.
St. Patrick's Day
The wearing of green, corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread, the Clancy Brothers, green beer. It doesn't get much better than this even if you're not Irish.