Blue View – A Lesson in Driving Skills
/On St. Helena Island, 30 MPH is more of an achievement than a speed limit
We’re back in the groove here in Las Vegas after our long trek. I can tell because the crazy local drivers have pretty much stopped honking and swearing at me. We’ve discovered that returning to the fast pace of city life after a four month walk is somewhat of a shock to our nervous system. It was much the same after a long passage aboard Nine of Cups – for the first week or two, driving at anything faster than about 25 MPH seemed positively reckless.
Which brings me to this week’s summer rerun – the driving skills we learned in St. Helena. St. Helena is that remote island in the South Atlantic that is famous for being the place Napoleon was exiled to and where he spent the last of his days.
In my mind, St. Helena is also memorable for the driving techniques needed there. It’s not that the drivers are as frenetic or aggressive as those of Rome, Boston or NYC – they are anything but that. It’s just that the required driving skills are… well, different. Click here and join us as we revisit one of my favorite blogs. I hope you enjoy it.