Days - Ways to Celebrate – April 23-29 2020
/We’re coming up on the end of April already and there’s lots to celebrate. There’s Shakespeare’s birthday and Zipper Day plus Pretzels, Penguins and that famous ‘puddy tat’. There’s something for everyone. So gear up and party hearty.
April 23rd
T'is the Bard's birthday!
Talk Like Shakespeare Day
T'is the Bard's birthday. Doth thou not celebrate when the moment presents? Read a play, read a poem, talk like Shakespeare! A bit of trivia… Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon, England on April 23, 1564 and died in Stratford-on-Avon on his birthday, April 23, 1616. Coincidence? Probably.
April 24th
Happy Birthday, Sylvester!
No, not Sylvester Stalone, I’m talking about Sylvester J. Pussycat who made his first debut in 1945. Watch that well known Puddy Tat on YouTube.
And how appropriate! It’s also Hairball Awareness Day … a reminder to cat owners that all hairballs are not alike.
April 25th
World Penguin Day
Penguins at the Equator???
Today’s the day to celebrate the world's 20 different species of penguins. We often think of penguins as cold weather birds, but did you realize that penguins are present at the Equator, too? Shown above are Galapagos penguins which swam around our boat when we were anchored off Isabela Island in the Galapagos. We also saw them in Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. How about watching March of the Penguins or Happy Feet? Or you can wear black and white and waddle around your house. Your choice… whatever floats your boat.
April 26th
National Pretzel Day
David’s edible knots
Since the Middle Ages, the pretzel has had a place in society not only as a snack, but it was also considered as a reward for children who learned their prayers. How about making some of these edible knots at home? David used to make them on Nine of Cups and here’s his recipe.
April 27th
Woody Woodpecker Day
Created by cartoonist, Walter Lantz, in 1940, Woody has had an industrious career as a wacky bird with a distinctive song.
Woody joined 16 other fictional characters when he was awarded his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1990. Can you guess who the other fictional characters might be?
Morse Code Day
It’s also Morse Code Day. Learning Morse Code for our Amateur Radio Licenses was like learning a new language. This telegraphy method named after Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, was first used c.1844. The dots and dashes aka dits and dahs were the international standard for maritime distress until 1999 when it was replaced by the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. How to celebrate? Many of us have plenty of time on our hands these days, figure out how to send a message in Morse Code… just because.
Need some help? Here’s a translator
April 28th
Kiss Your Mate Day
Yup, an occasion which allows you to kiss your mate or significant other (or whomever else might want to be kissed) without having to provide flowers or candy or small, expensive gifts. It’s easy to celebrate just give him or her a smooch, a peck on the cheek, a long, wet, hot one… let your imagination go wild.
April 29th
Zipper Day
This is Zipper Day commemorating the invention of the “Separable Fastener” by Gideon Sundback in 1917. It was the B.F.Goodrich company which decided to use this new fastener on their boots that gave it the name “zipper” because of the sound it made. Read more about Sundback's original patent and then XYZ. By the way, David did a blog way back in 2012 about unsticking a stuck zipper… just one more way to celebrate the day!
Shrimp Scampi Day
I'm all for food days and I love shrimp scampi. Lots of garlic though, so after you’re finished appreciating your zipper, make some scampi for dinner and be sure your partner enjoys some, too. Here's a recipe. Mangia!
Another week of celebrations wrapped up. Time flies when you’re having fun, huh? I’ll be back next Wednesday with more reasons to celebrate days and this wonderful life of ours.