Thanksgiving 2023

This year we’ll be spending Thanksgiving at home with David’s sister, Mary. Just the three of us, but we’re all geared up and intend to celebrate with a traditional turkey feast. We all have our own tastes, likes, and dislikes, and this year, there will be no compromises. Everyone gets what they like. David likes his bread stuffing cooked in the bird. Mary likes hers baked in a separate pan outside the bird with cranberries added. I don’t like stuffing, so I’m easy. David likes butternut squash, Mary likes candied yams, and I like broccoli… we’re serving up all three.

All the usual dishes will be present… roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, pickles and olives. Mary’s making dinner rolls. There’s pumpkin pie and cranberry pudding for dessert. We’ll leave the table satisfied.

As we officially enter the holiday season and celebrate Thanksgiving, we’re reminded of Thanksgivings past. Some were spent with family; some were spent with friends; some here in the USA and some in foreign countries where we introduced new friends to an American traditional holiday.

And what are we thankful for? Oh, my… just about everything. We have a good life… not too little, not too much, just enough. We have our health. We have family and friends we love. Most of all, we have each other… still in love after 40 years and still sharing adventures.

Happy Thanksgiving!