A Very Romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner
/There’s no doubt about it, we’re a romantic kinda couple. We like to celebrate Valentine’s Day in special ways. We don’t overdo with gifts, but cards, even homemade ones, are always in order. In the past, no matter where we were, we’ve had special meals or taken advantage of Valentine’s Day specials at hotels… an overnight at the Four Seasons in Chicago comes to mind. Last year, we got married again. We think of Valentine’s Day as just one more special occasion to celebrate ‘us’.
This year we decided on a special dinner at home. Half the fun, of course, is the planning and anticipation. One of our favorite meals is lobster and the 99 Ranch supermarket in Chinatown has a tank full. They’ll steam them for you gratis right there.
A baby spinach salad with mandarins and sliced almonds seemed like a good side to offset the drawn butter and high calories we were anticipating with the meal and the dessert we’d chosen: David’s specialty, Bananas Flambé à la Nine of Cups, one of our all-time favorites.
The day was spent hunting and gathering and then it was time to prepare our feast. We set out our best china and linens in the dining room (no eating in the kitchen tonight). Candles and fresh flowers adorned the table. Champagne bubbled in fine crystal. A bottle of pinot grigio was chilling, just in case.
The result: a sumptuous, wonderful, romantic dinner for two. After nearly four decades together, it’s still that special!
Bananas Flambé à la Nine of Cups, a perfect ending to a perfect meal!
No details will be shared about romantic activities that may have followed dinner, but we are willing to share David’s dessert recipe.