These Are a Few of my Favorite Things…

 These Are a Few of my Favorite Things…

I read an article in the NY Times recently about people’s favorite things and superlatives from 2024. It seems like a good way to reflect on the past year and decide upon the things that really made an impression. None of the ones I read about were major life occurrences, but rather more mundane things in people’s lives. I thought I’d give it a whirl.

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Blanche... Get Well Soon

Blanche... Get Well Soon

About two weeks ago, we were driving around town and Blanche began making an odd noise. So much so that David pulled into a parking lot to check it out. He could see no apparent problem under the hood, so we continued on. We made it another few blocks and the noise increased and then the transmission started slipping. She only has 87K miles, but it appeared there was a transmission problem and it needed immediate attention.

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