Yikes! We Bought a House

Talk about land anchors, we've got a big one now. Yes, the Nine of Cups crew just bought a house … in the middle of the Mojave Desert, no less. You can't get much further away from the sea unless you're talking man-made Lake Mead or the pre-historic North American Inland Sea. We've even got a giant cactus in the front yard … how desert-y is that? cactus in the front

Though Nine of Cups is still home, we've been thinking about and looking for a part-time place to leave our souvenirs and Las Vegas seemed as good a place as any since we have family here. We'll be sharing our new digs with David's sibs, so the house will be occupied when we're not around, but we'll always have a room (and clothes and a car) to call our own and waiting for us whenever we turn up. It's roomy enough for all with enough hideaway spots for everyone to enjoy their own space whenever they want to.

roomy enough for all

Since we're in a desert, we were looking for a small, xeriscaped yard and found one. It's will be a pleasant place to enjoy morning coffee on the patio without worrying about supplemental watering or much ongoing maintenance.

I was planning to write a blog on the “tiny house movement” soon … living aboard a sailboat qualifies, for sure. This house, however, is as far away from the “tiny house movement” and living aboard a sailboat as you can get. In fact, we all refer to it as “the big house”. The sibs of the Lynn clan haven't all lived together for over 60 years. It'll take some getting used to and we all realize it won't be Utopia. With some reasonable compromise, however, it might be close though.

The closing isn't scheduled till early March, but there's plenty to do in the meantime to prepare. Honestly, though we've purchased several houses in the past, after nearly 20 years without a house or a mortgage, the current process has been like slaying a new dragon, only this one's on land. We're wielding our swords one day at a time.