New Year's Resolutions 2015

I was so busy carousing with my sister over the holidays and then traveling back to David at year end, I never took the time to write down my New Year's Resolutions. I like to review the past year to see how I've done and then figure out some specific goals for the year to come. Sorry to say, the goals don't change much from year to year. nyresolutions2015-cat-ponders-his-new-years-resolutions11

Losing weight is always number one on my list, though I usually phrase it  “eat healthier-cut out junk food”. Perhaps I do shed a few pounds during the course of the year, but I always gain them back (and sometimes more) by year end. I did manage to publish a book this year, Days and Ways to Celebrate 2015, as did David - The Complete Book of Anchors and Anchoring.

David's not into making resolutions. I always have. So without further ado, here they are … 2015 New Year's Resolutions ... in black and white, better late than never.


Lose some weight by eating healthier (and less!) and avoiding junk food Exercise regularly … especially back exercises Finish and publish another book … a cookbook, maybe? Be kinder and better-natured – I have the propensity to be more cranky the older I get

So far I haven't cut back on eating or drinking … it's the end of the holiday season, after all … nor have I exercised a lick. There's plenty of time for the book. Better natured? Hmm...I'm going to have work harder on that one.

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Incidentally, January 14th is Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day, so I won't have long to wait.