Spring Has Sprung Downunder
Sunny and crisp this morning. We're hoping this sunny morning trend continues. We took a walk back up the hill to the Oyster Cove Inn grounds again this morning. Flowers are blooming everywhere. Fruit trees in blossom. My feet were soaked and cold from the dew and I could see my breath as we walked. I was retaking wood carving photos in good light and noticed some movement just out of the corner of my eye. A masked lapwing and her chicks were rustling in the tall grass nearby searching for whatever it is little lapwings like to eat...grubs, maybe? We wandered a bit further, leisurely taking in the fresh, clean morning air. A Tasmanian native hen, her ruby red eyes shining in the sun, peeked out of the reeds and began herding her chicks onto the grass. It's springtime in Tasmania.