Chesapeake -Norfolk to Mobjack Bay

Day 2 – 32nm (passage total: 49 nm) mobjack bay map

We spent a relatively calm night in the general anchorage off the loading docks in Norfolk. Huge Hapag Lloyd container ships were a bit noisy in their loading activities, but otherwise no worries, no problems. The plan was to head north to Mobjack Bay on the East River. We returned to the main channel, passing Fort Wool to starboard and the Old Port Comfort Lighthouse to port as we motored into Chesapeake Bay.

fort wool

old comfort port lite

The day was lovely and the light breeze was wonderfully refreshing. We motored for a few hours, but by mid-day we were actually able to sail for awhile and enjoyed the quiet and calm of the bay. The lighthouse at Thimble Shoal is quite a different style than most lighthouses we see, but is the typical style lighthouse for the Chesapeake.

thimble shoals lite chesapeake

We arrived in Mobjack Bay around 3 pm and found a perfect a little anchorage just out of the channel inside the entrance to the East River.

mobjack bay anchorage

David felt that Cups' speed had been sluggish during the day and jumped in the water to have a look at the prop. The visibility was less than a foot as he scraped a fine collection of barnacles off the propeller. He chastised himself for not doing this at the AYB dock, but better late than never.

Yesterday's coolant hose replacement kept the engine temp down, but it was still running higher than normal. Once the engine cooled down, the guys took a look at the impeller. It was due for a change. They decided to let it wait till morning. We enjoyed cocktails in the cool of the cockpit, ate some dinner, played a few games of gin (David won, but we're sure he was cheating) and then reveled in the beauty of a full harvest moon over a duckpond calm anchorage.

full moon over the bay