It's good to be sailing again
/The morning we head out of a marina after having been settled in for several weeks is always a bit hectic, even if the passage is only across the channel. This morning there was lots to do and remember and we set about our chores as soon as we rose while saying to ourselves all the while “There's no rush. We can take our time. There's no rush at all.”
There were all the usual things that have been out and used at the dock or on deck like hoses, extra lines, and buckets to stow. Then there were those items below which needed stowing, like wine glasses and fruit bowls and computers. I wrapped the glasses carefully and tucked them away. The fruit went back in the fridge and the basket went into a locker. I laid out non-skid on the salon table and the computer rested there securely. Fiddles (shelf retainers) were put into place. Plastic crates were secured. Nothing can be left on flat surfaces that can easily land on the floor when an unexpected wave or wake hits us. We made sure all the portholes and hatches were dogged (latched and secured).
David had already refilled propane tanks for cooking and jerry-jugged diesel fuel in for the boat. Fuel jugs stored on deck were secured. Last night we charged every possible device we own while we still had shore power. We filled the water tanks this morning and emptied the trash while a fresh water spigot and trash bins were easily accessible.
Fuel and oil levels were checked and, since we haven't used the boat in awhile, we checked that forward and reverse are working and the steering seemed to be in order. We were backing out of our berth in Cape Town, South Africa one time and the shift handle broke off in David's hand while we were in reverse. Luckily, we were able to back right out of the marina and get some vice grips on the nub of the handle quickly enough to be able to shift into forward again. But since then, we always check...just in case.
Yesterday, we made sure all of our bills were paid at the marina and the chandlery. We said our goodbyes. Though we're staying in the area, I doubt we'll be back here again. Saying goodbyes is always a difficult part of the leaving process. The folks at the Oyster Cove Marina have been very friendly and hospitable to us allowing the free use of cars, trucks and vans … something a bit out of the ordinary and definitely appreciated.
We attached our ensign (US flag) and the Australian courtesy flag and hoisted them.
The last things to go...the electrical hookup to shore power and the docklines. Scott from across the dock came over, said goodbye and handed us our last line. Anne and Ian and the folks at the marina came out on the wharf at the fuel dock and waved goodbye as we backed out of the berth and headed out into the Channel.
Don't get too excited, we're only heading five miles across the D'Entrecasteaux Channel to Bruny Island to a snug little anchorage called The Duckpond. We have to ease into things. All this for a very short ride. But oh my, it's good to be out on the water again.