Blue View – Comparing the Cost of Owning a Van vs Owning a Boat

Blue View – Comparing the Cost of Owning a Van vs Owning a Boat

Over the years that we lived aboard Nine of Cups, we obsessively kept track of the money we spent on her. Since Blue just celebrated the first anniversary of his adoption yesterday, I thought this might be a good time to make a reckoning of what the various costs on Blue have been, and then compare the costs of living aboard a boat with the cost of living in Blue.

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Blue View – Adding a Floor Vent

Blue View – Adding a Floor Vent

Blue's ceiling vent and fan work quite well when there is a door or window open, but doesn't work so well when Blue is all closed up. When sitting in the hot sun, it gets quite hot and stuffy inside. The best remedy I could think of was to add a floor vent.

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Blue View – Leveling Blue

Blue View – Leveling Blue

In Blue, we prefer to sleep on a bed that is more or less level. We can deal with a little slope, but too much slope front to back and we find ourselves sliding off or crunching our heads against the headboard. Too much side-to-side slope, and we both end up sharing the port or starboard ¼ of our full sized bed. This is just fine (perhaps even kinda nice) for a short while, but our old bodies need to re-position frequently - which is not easily accomplished when one of us is squished against the cabinet alongside the bed. Thus we'd like to be able to level Blue when his parking spot is on an incline.

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