Heading Home and Saying Goodbye


It seems like it's been months since I last saw David, despite the fact it's only been about three weeks and we talk several times daily. I've been packing, unpacking and repacking my big duffel bag in order to get all the essential things in (read that … boat stuff). I was pretty happy with the packing job until I found two more shopping bags full of stuff yet to go into the bag. Ugh!

I'm heading home today … home to David and Nine of Cups. That's the good news. The bad news is I'm saying goodbye to Lin and my mom and every time I do, it's a heart-wrenching drama. You'd think after having said so many goodbyes in our lives, it would become easier, but it never does. There are always tears and kisses and hugs, and sincere promises to stay in touch. It always takes me awhile to shake it off, recoup and look forward to the new adventure that lies before me.

My flight doesn't leave till 6pm, so Lin and I have the day together. Time to think about how lucky we are and much too much time to dwell on the fact that I'm leaving. We'll visit Bea and I”ll say goodbye to her. No tears there … Bea is always very philosophical about my leaving, knowing I'll return when I can. With Lin though, there is sobbing and crying. I'm the mushy one of the sisters, but Lin follows suit on these occasions and try as we will, we just can't avoid that final, blubbering, unable-to-speak scene when I walk towards my plane.

On the 11th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me …

Eleven more hours of travelin' (and then some)

Ten hearts a'leapin

Nine frantic fixes

Eight bulky boat parts

Seven quests for hardware

Six shiny shackles

Five I miss you's

Four galley updates

Three e-mailed errands

Two bigger duffels and a

Christmas morning greeting on Skype