How to Save a Lot of Money on a Solar Installation
/Adding solar to a house is expensive, but there are ways to save…
Read MoreAdding solar to a house is expensive, but there are ways to save…
Read MoreWith all the sun we get in Las Vegas and with the current tax incentives, it’s time we took a look at converting the house to solar…
Read MoreWhen we sailed across the South Atlantic on our sailboat, we’d toss at least a dozen dead flying fish back into the sea each morning. One survived, and this is the story of helping it heal and returning it to the sea…
Read MoreHi there and welcome to Just A Little Further!
We are David and Marcie Lynn and we've lived aboard our Liberty 458 cutter-rigged sailboat since 2000.
What began as an urge to travel slowly and economically at our own pace ended up an adventure of a lifetime.
Well, here we are ... nearly 90,000 miles under the keel, 5 continents, 5 Great Southern Capes, 36 countries and almost two decades later, still taking one passage at a time and going just a little further.