It’s Understanding, Not Agreement That Counts

 It’s Understanding, Not Agreement That Counts

Just in time for the holidays…

David and I participated in a free Webinar the other day entitled “Productive Conversations Without Confrontation” offered by the News Literacy Project (NLP). I’ve been following NLP for several years now. It’s primarily aimed at teachers and educators with the goal of teaching their students to question rather than blindly accept information they receive.

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A Traditional Holiday Dessert

A Traditional Holiday Dessert

Cranberry Pudding has been a family tradition for both Thanksgiving and Christmas for over 40 years. It's easy and wonderfully good. You can substitute other berries (blueberries, blackberries) for the fresh cranberries if you must, but you'll have to fuss with the amount of sugar, so it's not too sweet.

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Celebrating Birthday Week

 Celebrating Birthday Week

With all the holidays coming up, I’m also celebrating my birthday. Lots of folks don’t particularly like celebrating their birthdays. It means getting older and actually acknowledging it. They prefer to let birthdays slide. Not me. I love my birthday. I’ve been known to celebrate the entire month of November.

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