Thames Path – Oxford to Newbridge to Lechlade

Thames Path – Oxford to Newbridge to Lechlade

Rain, rain, rain! We’ve definitely been beating the odds for rain in England this time of year, but it was bound to catch up with us. We were most thankful for our rain gear. The further we walked from Oxford, the less traffic noise we heard. Sirens and car horns faded away. We walked through wet, muddy meadows and fields, greeted by black-faced, long-tailed sheep and Angus cows.

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Thames Path - A Day in Oxford, England

Thames Path - A Day in Oxford, England

What? A day off … no walking? Well, there might be no walking on the Thames Path today, but there’s plenty of walking to be done in Oxford. We’re taking a leisure day (a vacation from our vacation?) and spending it in the ‘City of Dreaming Spires’.

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