New Year’s Celebration and Checking on Cups
/After a hectic Christmas holiday celebration, we headed south to Delaware to usher in the New Year with friends. We celebrated our New Year’s Eve with Maine lobsters and mussels, cooked up in Lin’s old lobster pot and served steaming hot. What a feast!
Lobsters for New Year's Eve dinner ... YUM!
After a lazy New Year’s Day, instead of heading north back to Boston, we decided to head to Chesapeake. It’s been severely cold and we were a bit worried about Nine of Cups. She’s been sitting alone at Atlantic Yacht Basin for nearly a month and though we’ve been concentrating on the holidays and Blue of late, our thoughts still stray to Cups quite often. The 5-hour trip down the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia and across the Chesapeake Bay was a familiar route.
Cups was cold, but absolutely fine.
We arrived at AYB late afternoon. Though we’d seen skim ice on many of the ponds and rivers along our route, the Elizabeth River was clear. Cups has been moored in the back basin in a protected slip and she looked fine. She bobbed amicably in the water as we boarded. All was fine aboard. It was uncomfortably cold below and we made haste to collect a few things we needed and then headed back to the warmth of Blue.
We plan to make haste heading back north to Lin’s house tomorrow in anticipation of a “truly amazing extratopical ‘bomb’ cyclone off New England coast” which could drop a foot or more of snow in our neighborhood. Winter Storm Watches are in effect and the weather forecasters are describing this event as a "winter hurricane". Oh my! Watching the snow fall through the living room window is always a lovely experience, driving through a blizzard, not so much …