Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2021 - Special Shapes Rule!
/More than 600 balloons participated in the 2021 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and more than 80 of those were crowd-pleasing ‘special shapes’. All the balloons are beautiful, but there’s something about the whimsical special shapes that delights us all. I mean seeing a huge cow balloon rising in the rosy-pink dawn sky can’t help but make you smile. Take a look!
Arabelle, Creamland’s high-flying cow.
Chico the Sloth
Gentry dawns her Yoda mask as Darth and Yoda rise behind her
It gets almost overwhelming when several special shapes inflate all at once.
That’s a lot of wisdom!
New Mexico’s state question… Red, green, or Christmas? Spider Pig peeks in the background.
Special delivery
Quite the menagerie
Clever THREE-FACED balloon… Jester, clown, and carnival masque
David got a great shot from aloft… Zebras, peg-legged parrots, owls, unicorns, raccoons, Tweety BIRDS. what a show!
There was more to the Fiesta than just balloons… as if balloons weren’t enough. There were competitions, night sky diving, fireworks and so much more. Join me next time as I wrap up our 2021 Balloon Fiesta blogs.
There’s really so much to share that it’s nearly impossible to capture it all. You gotta be there! Next year’s 50th Annual Balloon Fiesta is already scheduled for October 1-9. Consider a visit. It’s mind-blowing. We’ll see you there!