Starting Anew in a New Year

We shopped till we dropped, wrapped till our arms were aching, decorated cookies and gingerbread houses, cooked lots, ate too much, drank too much, visited with family and friends, hugged and kissed just the right amount and drove across the country and back. Blanche registered nearly 7,000 road miles on our cross-country trips.

Santa came and left. The presents were all opened and all that wrapping paper was tossed into the trash and carted off. The Christmas decorations have all been taken down and stowed away till next year. The credit card bills for Christmas shopping are all coming due. Valentine’s Day candy is flooding the store shelves. Another year has gone by oh so quickly and another has begun.

I’ve made my usual New Year’s Resolutions, ditched a few already and kept a few. January 17th is the official ditch your resolutions day, but why wait? We are participating in Dry January this year after all that holiday indulging. We’ve just arrived back in Las Vegas and we’re getting into a routine once again… eating healthy and less quantity, exercising more. We’re back to our morning and evening walks. David is up to his eyes in projects… mostly Blanche updates. Our to-do list is growing, but manageable.

Having celebrated 70+ new years, I think I’ve got the hang of it. I tend to consider the new year a time for beginning anew. A time to review the past year, make adjustments as necessary, and then let it go and move forward. 2023 was a good year for us, so no regrets.

What’s in store in 2024? The list already seems overwhelming… in a good way! We’re flying to Fairbanks, Alaska in February for a week to finally view the Northern Lights… hopefully. We plan to drive to Texas to watch the total eclipse of the sun on April 8th. Our big road trip this year is to explore the rest of Canada driving west to east to the maritime provinces. More on that later.

In the meantime, we’ve got plenty to keep us occupied. All the mundane stuff… yard work, house chores, impending tax prep/filing time, planning. We’ve also got a few trip stories to share in upcoming blogs.

And what about you? Have you hatched any plans for 2024? Staying close to home or traveling far? Road trips, boat trips, cruises, big projects, little projects? Share your plans. We’re always looking for new adventures and new routes to explore.