A Year Ago on Just a Little Further (11/4-11/10)

What a difference a year makes!  What Nine of Cups and Crew were doing a year ago this week (click on links for full posts):


bit fall at mona


Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)

"A very discriminating friend of ours said, 'If MONA was in New York City, it would be rated one of the best museums in the world.'  With an endorsement like that, how could we miss it? The day was cold, raw and rainy as we headed north of Hobart in the marina courtesy van to the Museum of Old and New Art aka MONA."


cups at anchor


Challenge versus Sacrifice

"We’ve seen and done things that few people in the world will ever see and we feel absolutely blessed for the opportunities and experiences. Innumerable, astounding sunrises and sunsets. The moai of Easter Island from an anchorage at Anakena beach. A snowball fight on deck in Tierra del Fuego. Standing on the rim of an active volcano in Vanuatu. Sitting on a rock in Antarctica surrounded by Gentoo penguins. Swinging in a hammock in a thatch hut on stilts while having lunch with the Wounaan people in the Darien Jungle. Fishing for piranha in the Amazon River. Staring down at Cups anchored in Bounty Bay from atop a high cliff on Pitcairn Island. No, this isn’t sacrifice. No need to feel sorry for us. This is what we live for."


bruny island ferry


Take the Ferry to Bruny Island

"We were finished with boat work for the time being and looking for a morning respite. We’d walked down to the Bruny Island Ferry Terminal before. It’s only a 10-15 minute walk from the marina. We’d previously noted the times for the ferry departure while also noting that walk-on’s rode for “free”. One of our favorite words. I packed a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of water and we headed down to the ferry dock. We were heading to Bruny Island."