A Short Break and a Look Back

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October is Just A Little Further’s birthday month. Gentry launched the JAFL website on October 12th, 2012… 8 years ago. Since then we’ve done thousands of blogs from land and sea on every topic imaginable. You’ve traveled with us around the world… around great Southern Capes, across oceans, to African game parks, up the Sani Pass to Lesotho and down to the bottom of Death Valley. We’ve celebrated birthdays, circumnavigations, anniversaries and lives lived together. You’ve been there for the good times and you’ve been there for the bad times, too.

So, while we take a break for a couple of weeks until we’re off on our next road trip, we’ll regale you with blog posts from the past eight years. Some of the highlights you may remember; others may have escaped your attention along the way. Heck, we have to re-read some of the blogs ourselves to make sure we were the ones who actually visited some of the places we visited. ‘Wow… was that us?’

Enjoy the reminiscing and join us again towards the end of October as we begin our next road trip to points east. Today’s highlight: Rounding the Great Southern Capes

Was that us? Yup, I guess it was!

Was that us? Yup, I guess it was!

Happy 6th Birthday, Just A Little Further!

Happy 6th Birthday, Just A Little Further!

It’s Just A Little Further’s 6th birthday … six years of regular blog posting and sharing our adventures, misadventures and lives with readers all around the world. Where were we in Octobers past? Tasmania … Cocos Keeling Islands and Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean … crossing the Atlantic … French Guiana. Join us as we reminisce and share some October blogs from the past six years.

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