There to Here - Down, Around & Up the Other Side

There to Here - Down, Around & Up the Other Side

Well, the Pacific did wait for us as we decided to navigate the Patagonian canals and head to Tierra del Fuego and the bottom of the world. Even the names sound exotic, don’t they? The Tierra del Fuego (Land of Fire), the Straits of Magellan and the Beagle Channel … places we’d read about, but never thought we’d visit, never mind spend a month or more exploring them.

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There to Here - A Love Affair with South America

There to Here - A Love Affair with South America

Picking up from where we left off ... (add link from last blog of the series) we did indeed take a left out of the Panama Canal, sailed about 700nm south, crossed the Equator and arrived in La Libertad, Ecuador. If you followed our later travels, in fact, you’ll find that we did this twice … but for now, let’s talk about getting to Ecuador the first time. Our limited visits to Venezuela and Colombia while in the Caribbean whet our appetites for more exploration of “the other America”. For sure, we had never given travel in South America much thought until I read the sailing magazine article about Ecuador. From the moment we arrived, we were hooked. What a splendid continent, rich in diverse indigenous cultures and Spanish heritage.

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