Down the Dalton to Fairbanks

Down the Dalton to Fairbanks

The evening at Marion Creek Campground was lovely… mild and warm-ish. Though still a bit hazy from the smoke, the air quality had improved substantially by day’s end. The lingering smoke enhanced the sunset. As we’ve begun heading south, the days have begun to shorten. Sunset is at 11pm now and diminishing at a rate of ~6 minutes/day.

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Denali National Park - 2

Denali National Park - 2

Another day we rode our bikes 16 miles RT on the Park Road, enjoying the scenery and quiet… the only sounds were the crunch of the tires on the gravel and an infrequent park bus. Ground squirrels and rabbits skittered across our path and startled ptarmigan fluttered up when we approached.

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