Blue View – Blue's Electrical System Installation

Blue View – Blue's Electrical System Installation

All those years aboard Nine of Cups has taught me a number of lessons about electrical systems and electronics, and how difficult it is to ensure that not only are the gear and wiring installed safely and reliably, but remain that way. Much of what applies to boat electrics also applies to van electrics. In this week’s blog, I’ll talk about how and where I installed all that gear .

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Blue View – Blue's Electrical System, Part 3

Blue View – Blue's Electrical System, Part 3

This week's blog covers how we keep the house batteries charged. The primary means of charging the 315 ah of batteries is the solar panels mounted on Blue's roof. Here in the southwest where solar energy is plentiful, we've had no trouble keeping ahead of the refrigerator, computers, phone and other electronic gizmos that now seem necessary. While the solar power provided by our solar panels is more than we need right now, the same may not be true once we're in the Pacific northwest, so we've invested in a couple of other methods for keeping the batteries charged...

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Blue's Electrical System, Part 2

Blue's Electrical System, Part 2

This week’s Blue View discusses the 12 vdc electrical system, including the battery bank - the heart of the system. A little over a year ago, when we were still aboard Nine of Cups, it was time to replace our house batteries, and I spent a fair amount of time investigating the options. Our old Lifeline AGM batteries lasted seven years, not bad at all, but battery technology has changed a lot over that timeframe, and I wanted to see whether any of the new products would be better for Cups.

Now, a year later, I took another look at the available battery technology to find the right batteries for Blue.

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