Riding the High Bridge State Park Trail

Riding the High Bridge State Park Trail

Brennan and Hannah are avid bicyclists and before leaving Richmond, Brennan enthusiastically recommended riding the High Bridge State Park Trail near Farmville, Virginia. Since it is only 65 miles southwest of Richmond and we hadn’t ridden in a couple of weeks, we decided to give it a go.

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Big Macs, A New Hip & Lots of Cameras

Big Macs, A New Hip & Lots of Cameras

The reason for the return to Pawtucket was Lin’s new hip. The scheduled hip replacement in early August had been delayed due to a positive COVID test. No one else in the family tested positive and Lin was totally asymptomatic, but rules is rules and the procedure had to be postponed for three weeks. We went off and cycled in Ohio and now we were returning to help out pre and post-op hip surgery.

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