North to the Arctic on the Dalton Highway

North to the Arctic on the Dalton Highway

We pondered our next destination. South wasn’t an option; we’d just come from there. After driving 1000 miles on the gravel, pot-holed Dempster Highway, we”d decided that was enough of gravel roads. And east meant we were starting the return trip home.

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Denali National Park - 2

Denali National Park - 2

Another day we rode our bikes 16 miles RT on the Park Road, enjoying the scenery and quiet… the only sounds were the crunch of the tires on the gravel and an infrequent park bus. Ground squirrels and rabbits skittered across our path and startled ptarmigan fluttered up when we approached.

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A Week in Denali National Park - 1

A Week in Denali National Park - 1

We wasted no time the first day getting chores done… showers were critical as was laundry and some basic van cleaning. We planned our subsequent days well to take advantage of what the park offered. Each night, we sat by the campfire and soaked up more of Denali’s magic.

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