Keeping the Critters Out - Insect Screens for Blanche

 Keeping the Critters Out - Insect Screens for Blanche

Because we plan to head to the north country, we decided it would be prudent to add insect screens to Blanche’s back door and slider door. We’ve been nearly eaten alive in the past by mosquitoes, black flies, and no-see-ums, and prefer to avoid the bloodletting.

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Blue View - Rethinking Blanche

Blue View - Rethinking  Blanche

We’ve been traveling and camping with Blanche for about three weeks now and are getting a pretty good feel for what we like about Blanche as well as some of the things we thought we’d like to improve. It’s good to do this. I have a tendency to over design things and I fear that if left on my own, Blanche would have many features I thought we needed, but didn’t, and only room enough inside for one very skinny person at a time.

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