Cups’ Crew Back in Las Vegas
/While Nine of Cups and Blue are keeping company at the Atlantic Yacht Basin, the crew has once again flown back to Las Vegas. We opted for a one-way car rental to the Baltimore airport instead of driving Blue to Vegas or leaving him for a month at a long-term parking lot. We figured he’d be much happier at the boatyard near Nine of Cups and getting some attention from our Swiss cruising friends who plan to take him for rides once in awhile during our absence.
We made a sib-pact a couple of years ago that we’d celebrate “momentous” birthdays together and be around to support each other for medical and personal issues, even minor ones. Well, there’s a 65th birthday to celebrate in September and some minor medical stuff to handle. All were planned well in advance and it was time to head back. We also need to get our smiles polished and handle some routine medical and business issues. Besides, the Captain needs a rest from boat chores (and the First Mate needs a rest from the Captain working on boat chores).
Where'd the A/C go? I hope it doesn't rain!
As usual, the last couple of days aboard Cups were crazy although we knew we’d be departing. We had lists upon lists to make sure everything was accomplished and Cups was left in good order. Get the laundry done, finish projects or get them to a good stopping point, get all the tools and supplies put away, pack, clean the boat, defrost the freezer, clean the fridge and the biggie … remove the A/C from the coach roof hatch, secure it inside Blue for later installation in the van and then re-install Cups’ hatch. And it came as no surprise that everything took longer than anticipated … after all, it’s a boat.
Not sure the A/C will work as well in this location.
Two large duffels were chock full of “stuff” that we wanted to offload from Cups and store in Las Vegas. It has dawned on us that we might just be shuffling “stuff” from one place to another rather than just getting rid of it, but that didn’t deter us from toting those duffels across the country. At some point I guess we’ll have to make serious decisions about all the memorabilia and “important” items that we just can’t part with … at least not now.
We allowed ourselves plenty of time to get to the airport and then a little extra. Traffic was horrendous with road work, accidents and high volume and we arrived at BWI’s rental car return facility with no time to spare. We lugged everything to the airport shuttle, did a Southwest self-check-in and luggage check and breathed a sigh of relief as we headed for the TSA Pre-check line. For some reason, David rarely makes it through without issue and this time was no exception. Fifteen minutes later we were hustling down the airport terminal to our gate when we heard the gate change/delay announcement … 90 minute delay. Hooray … time to relax have an ice cream before our 5-hour flight. Whew!
Mary and 108F/42C temps met us at the airport. Dry heat … sch-my heat … 108F is hot no matter what you call it. But we’re back in the desert, all is well and once again we start a different, off-the-boat life for the next month. Convenient showers and flush toilets most welcome.
Back to the desert!