New Year’s Resolutions - 2022

I interrupt the previously scheduled blog on Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia to interject a time-sensitive post: New Year’s Resolutions – 2022. I like to take a few minutes at the end of each year to reflect on what I’ve done (or not done) during the past year and then at the beginning of each new year, resolve to do more or less or better or whatever. It’s character building. I prefer to do this exercise as close to January 17th as possible (Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day), so that any unrealistic resolutions can be ceremoniously chucked aside before I’m too invested in the new year.

By the way, I’ve been pretty successful with resolutions in the past. Several have been ditched, but I gave up smoking back in 1989 as a New Year’s resolution. I’ve lost weight and maintained. I walk more than ever… another past resolution. I finished a book or two which I had resolved to do. Let’s see how I do this year.

2022 Resolutions:

1. Write more!

Though 2021 was a pretty good year for us, we were lax at blogging and writing in general. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but for some reason this year, neither one of us wrote very much. I find it’s good for the spirit as well as the mind, so this year… I will write more.

2. Continue to walk, exercise, drink less alcohol and eat healthily.

We were pretty good this year keeping up with our daily walking and twice-weekly exercise workout at the local gym. We were good, that is, until the holidays arrived and we fell off the wagon. We’re back aboard now and will work towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s not as boring as you might imagine… really!

Note to self: Eat fewer potato chips… especially kettle-cooked salt & vinegar chips.

3. Learn a new language or relearn an old one.

I love languages; always have. Learning a new language at my age is more difficult than when I was younger, but it’s not impossible. Brushing up on a language with which I was once familiar might be just as good, and perhaps a bit easier. I usually try to learn a language based on our travel plans for the upcoming year. Duolingo happens to be my ‘language teacher’ of choice. It’s easy, cheap (or free), and stimulating. I learned enough Italian to get by in Italy when we walked the Via Francigena. I studied Portuguese a couple of years ago when I thought we would walk in Portugal. This year… not sure, but maybe I’ll just relearn Spanish and/or French again. Something to keep my mind sharp.

4. Travel lots.

This really doesn’t have to be a resolution; it’s more of a compulsion. We’re addicted to travel and we need to keep it up. Traveling opens your mind and your eyes. Whenever we’re home for more than a month, we get antsy. Where to this year? Maybe not Europe as previously planned, but perhaps walking some U.S. long trails. We’re still in the planning stages.

5. Be generous. Be kind. Be patient. Be tolerant.

Hardest of all for me, but most important... and it’s one I have to work on constantly.

And what about you? Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you ponder the previous year and reflect on what you might have done differently? Do you resolve and do or resolve and then ditch?