New Brunswick - Exploring Saint John

New Brunswick - Exploring Saint John

It was a fine day for ducks...rain, wind and more rain... but we ventured into Saint John anyway. It’s an old city. Samuel de Champlain and company first arrived at the mouth of the St. John River on the feast day of St. John the Baptist and named the area in his honor. After the influx of ~14,000 British Loyalists who settled in the area in 1783 following the British defeat in the American Revolution, the city was officially established by Royal Charter as Saint John, Canada’s first incorporated city.

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New Brunswick -Fundy Trail Parkway to Saint John

 New Brunswick -Fundy Trail Parkway to Saint John

We pulled over at the Fundy Lookout and looked out as instructed, but the fog had moved in and there wasn’t much to see. The temperature dropped into the mid-50s (14C) as the fog thickened and the rain moved in. Even a quick stop at the Visitor Centre had us drenched before we made it to the door.

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