A Year Ago on Just a Little Further (10/28-11/3)

What a difference a year makes!  What Nine of Cups and Crew were doing a year ago this week (click on links for full posts):


Marcie and the penguins












Australia's Antarctic Division

Wandering through the exhibits reminded us of our visit to the Antarctic Peninsular on the other side of the world in 2006. It was the trip of a lifetime. Ushuaia, Argentina is much closer to Antarctica than Australia (less than 1500 miles) and thus the trips are much more feasible. Antarctica's other worldly nature has made it one of the most spectacular places we've ever visited in our years of traveling and I doubt it will lose its place in our minds in the future.


Phil Maney's Pies













Meat Pies in Tasmania

So the first time I popped into a pie shop here hoping to find something fruity and delicious, I was very surprised to find steak, bacon and cheese pies, curried veggie pies, sausage and egg pies, chicken pies, scallop pies and beef and kidney pies, but no “pie” pies. Did I mention we’re in Australia?


life on the hard











Life on the Hard

This is not the ideal life and certainly not one to be envious of. We climb up and down a vertical ladder to get on and off the boat. This is not an easy feat when 1) your hands are full going up or coming down or 2) you really have to go to the bathroom. The hands-full thing is easy. We use a line and heave or lower as necessary or even place things in a bucket for easy transport. Forgetting something up above or needing a tool down below in the middle of a project sometimes elicits curses.


A Year Ago on Just a Little Further - Oct. 21-27th

What a difference a year makes!  What Nine of Cups and Crew were doing a year ago this week (click on links for full posts):


davids ticket











Our Day in Court

"To test the legal system, David got a speeding ticket on the way back to Kettering formally known as a Tasmanian Police Infringement Notice. The constable was courteous, but stern. He issued a “conditional caution”, so David is now “in the system”."


margate train shops












Margate Train

"Did you ever pass by something along the road, kind of wonder what it was, but never stop. That’s how it was with the Margate Train. Margate is a little town we pass through along the Channel Highway every time we head to Kingston to grocery shop. The train is not a replica; it’s the real thing and every time we went by, we said “We should stop there..."














Bloomin' Tasmania

"David can be very crafty. So this morning when he said “How about going to the Botanical Gardens today? I’ve already reserved the courtesy van”, I was immediately suspicious.

“Sure”, I said.

“It’s right on the way to Bunnings (a la Home Depot) and ENZED for more hydraulic fittings” he responded without so much as a sneaky grin."

A Year Ago on Just a Little Further - Oct. 14th-20th

Each Wednesday we feature interesting and favorite posts from a year ago this week.  Click the link to view the whole post.


making beer on the boat

Brew-meister at Work

"He gathered together all the ingredients. It’s pretty much a kit, but this still took over an hour since things got “put away” six months ago when we left for the States and now finding them again is challenging… some things may never be found."


hydraulic hose

Patience and the Un-virtuous Woman

"I can wait for a weather window and not complain much. I can wait in a doctor’s office and read the year-old magazines without too much grimacing. Waiting in a check-out line at the supermarket starts my stomach churning. This nasty trait is most evident, however, when we’re hunting for boat parts."


tasmanian devil

A Devil of a Day

"But what about potoroos, pandemelons, bandicoots and quolls? I’ve never even heard of these critters. Have you? My spell checker certainly hasn’t. And of course, we’d yet to encounter the famed, but elusive icon of Tasmania, a Tasmanian Devil (and I don’t mean Looney Tunes’ Taz)."