Newfoundland’s Gros Morne National Park

Newfoundland’s Gros Morne National Park

Gros Morne, loosely translated from the French means ‘lone mountain’,  and it was visible from miles away as we approached from the north. Newfoundland’s second highest mountain at 2,644’ (896m), Gros Morne stands tall in the Long Range Mountains, part of the Appalachian chain, believe it or not, that stretch the length of Newfoundland’s west coast.

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Newfoundland - Port au Choix

Newfoundland - Port au Choix

En route, we were treated to a Newfoundland traffic jam… scruffy-looking caribou (reindeer) shedding their winter fur, crowded onto the road. They seemed in no particular hurry. In fact, one of the males took a few minutes to scratch himself on the hood of one of the stopped cars.

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